Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

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5th Workshop on soil physics and landscape hydrology - Desná 2023


We would like to invite you to the fifth annual Workshop on soil physics and landscape hydrology organized by the department of Landscape Water Conservation.

The main focus is on of the actual scientific outcomes presented mostly by the phd students working on various research projects related to soil physics and hydrology. Covered topics are:  transport of water and solutes through soils, catchment hydrology, rainfall-runoff processes, soil degradation, erosion processes, remote sensing in landscape hydrology, geographic information systems and numerical modelling.

The workshop aims on students of doctoral study program Civil Engineering, branches Water Engineering and Water Management and Environmental Engineering, also a limited number of master students involved in the research projects may attend. The workshop will also be held in English as foreign phd students are anticipated.

For registration fill google sheet. The deadline for registration is 9th of October.

Participants should prepare 10 to 15 minutes presentation of their current scientific work. Unfinished work or work in progress may be also presented. Short (or long) discussions should follow after each presentation.


11 - 13. 10. 2023


3rd Workshop on soil physics and landscape hydrology will be held in Desná in Jizera Mountains in Scout
Mountain Base Desná (Map).

List of contributions

  5th Workshop on soil physics and landscape hydrology Desná 2023
  Mlýnská 189, 468 61 Desná v Jizerských horách
  16:00-17:00 Arrival and registration  
  17:00-18:00 David Zumr Opening
  19:00-... Dinner, Discussion  
  11:10-11:30 David Zumr Cosmis ray neutron sensing
  11:30-11:50 Martin Neumann CTU rainfall simulators - new development and findings
  11:50-12:10 Jakub Jeřábek Water stable isotopes at small agricultural catchment Nucice
  12:10-12:30 Coffee break  
  12:30-12:50 Wang Li Vertical transport of microplastics in soils
  12:50-13:10 Saunak Sinha Ray Lateral transport of microplastics in soil
  13:10-13:30 Petr Kavka State of current projects
  13:30-15:00 Lunch  
  15:00-15:20 Michal Sněhota Introduction of City Lab Prague of NBSINFRA Horizon EU project on nature-based solutions.
  15:20-15:40 Razbar Wahab Evaluation of the Experiment on Hydraulic Functioning of Multi-Layered Constructed Soils
  15:40-15:00 Tanuja Status of groundwater level and Fluoride contamination in groundwater of Fathpur district, UP
  16:00-16:20 Coffee break  
  16:20-16:40 Adam Babuljak CELSA project introduction
  16:40-17:00 Massimiliano Schiavo Probabilistic identification of groundwater pathways, discharges, and entropy in heterogeneous aquifers
  17:00-17:20 Tailin Li Catastrophe Modelling in Insurance Industry--Bridging the Gap Between Theoretical Risks and Real-world Implications
  17:20-18:00 Coffee break  
  18:00-19:00 Discussion  
  19:00-... Dinner, Discussion  
  9:00-9:20 Jan-František Kubát University of Arizona: Research & Social
  9:20-9:40 Adam Tejkl Map digitalisation using multi-spatial resolution approach
  10:00-11:00 Coffee break and Discussions  
  11:00-11:20 David Zumr Closing remarks





David Zumr Ing. Ph.D. (, Martin Neumann Ing. Ph.D., doc. Petr Kavka Ing. Ph.D., Jakub Jeřábek Ing. Ph.D.

* digital elevation model of a swollen undisturbed soil sample