Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

Státní závěrečné zkoušky
(18.06.2024 v 10:35)

Státní závěrečné zkoušky oboru WEE na K143 se konají dne 24.6.2024 od 9 hodin. Více informací naleznete zde.

Státní závěrečné zkoušky na K143 se konají dne 25.6.2024 od 9 hodin. Více informací naleznete zde.

(21.05.2024 v 20:23)

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Education and degrees

1995       M.Sc. (Ing)., Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague, CR

1999      Ph.D., Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague, CR, Thesis: “Runoff Formation in the Subsurface on the Hillslope”, (1999)

2011      associate professor for Water management and water structures, CTU in Prague


Employment and scientific visits

2012-                    Dep. of Irrigation, Drainage and Landsc.Eng., Faculty of Civil Eng., CTU in Prague , Prague, CR, Associate professor.

2005-2012           Dep. of Irrigation, Drainage and Landsc.Eng., Faculty of Civil Eng., CTU in Prague , Prague, CR, Research and Teaching assistant.

2002-2004           University of Hawaii, post-doctoral researcher at Water Resources Research Center. Research on leaching set of pesticides in tropical soils for variety of crops. Landfill capping - soil capillary barrier testing.

1998-2002           Progeo s.r.o., commercial consulting in hydrogeology - mathematical modeling of freshwater supplies and remediation of contaminated sites.

1996                      HSLMC, Medical School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance imaging of soil-water phenomena.

1993-1994           University of Minnesota, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering St. Paul, U.S.A. Research assistant. Depression focused recharge of fertilizers into the groundwater.


Research activities and granted projects

Catchment hydrology with the focus on the preferential flow in mountainous shallow hillslope soil profile. Hydrology of mountain peatlands and revitalization technical measures. Automated digital sensing of hydrologic and climatic variables. Use of natural isotopes in hydrology. Measurements of stable isotopes in water by means of laser spectroscopy. Geophysical methods for investigation of soil and rock structures. Mathematical modelling of subsurface flows and transport of contaminants.

Principal investigator of the project of GAČR (Czech Science Foundation). GAČR: Observation of the water flowpaths in the soil profile of the mountainous watershed by means of natural tracers (GAČR 205-06-0375, 2006-2008). Principal investigator of the project of GAČR:  Hydrological Response of the Catchment: Confronting Flow Mechanism Hypothesis with Mobility Data of Natural Tracers. (GAČR 205-08-0831, 2009-2011).

Investigator in TAČR (Technology agency) TA0102183 (2011-2014)  “Design and calibration of modular autonomous station for the measurement of soilmoisture and temperature conditions in vast point clusters.“.

National representative in coordinated research programs of IAEA, Vienna: Impact of the riparian peatlands on the hydrological cycle of the mountainous watershed (IAEA, contract 14007, 2007-2010) and  Assessment of Recharge Dynamics in Sedimentary and Fractured Granitic Structures of Catchments in the Northern Czech Republic Using the Tritium-Helium-3 Dating Technique (IAEA, contract 16335, 2010-2014).

Investigator in ithe internation project EU Ziel3/Cíl3 (2012-2014): Design of the approch in the land use leading in the sustainable improvement of water quality and erosion control in the crossboundary catchment of Nisa (AquaNisa) č. 100114993

Member of the teaching board of bachelor and master studies: Water management and water structures, CTU in Pragus, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Member of Europeann Geosciences Union (EGU), member of the Czech association of hydrogeologists(ČAH)

Invited expert: IAEA, Vienna; T.G.M WRI, Prague; Protected Land Area, Jizera Mountains, Liberec.