Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

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Design of technical measures for slopes stabilization and soil erosion prevention

Code: TH02030428
Principal Investigator: Dušan Dufka (Strix Chomutov a.s.)
Department's Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Petr Kavka, Ph.D.
Strix Chomutov a.s.  (Dušan Dufka)
ČVUT v Praze (Ing. Petr Kavka, Ph.D.)
Geosyntetika s.r.o.  (Ing. Martin Vaníček, Ph.D.)
Start: 2017-01-01
End: 2020-12-31
Research focus: The aim of the project is to reduce the soil erosion and sediment delivery into the watercourses. We will test and design the protective technical measures to increase the slopes stability along the channels, roads, landfills and dumps. With use of artificial rainfall simulation and numerical modelling we will evaluate the effect of the concrete measures and the proposed innovative technological guidelines. Based on the up to date knowledge we will create a new practically oriented methodology and user friendly calculation module (software) for designing the concrete protection measures. The general aim of the project is the protection of the biotopes along the linear engineering structures, channels and slopes that are threatened by the polluted eroded sediments.

Research team members at the departement:

Další řešitelé:

Strix Chomutov a.s.
  • Dušan Dufka
  • Jan Halla
  • Jaromír Soukup
  • Mgr. Pavel Tichý
ČVUT v Praze
  • Ing. Martin Lidmila, Ph.D. (K137)
Geosyntetika s.r.o
  • Ing. Martin Vaníček, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Jiří Vaníček