Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

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Údržba, opravy a monitoring hrází historických rybníků jako našeho kulturního dědictví

Code: DG16P02M036
Principal Investigator: Ing. Václav David, Ph.D.
Department's Principal Investigator: Ing. Václav David, Ph.D.
Co-operation: FSv ČVUT v Praze - Centrum experimentální geotechniky
​FA ČVUT v Praze - Ústav památkové péče
Start: 2016-01-01
End: 2020-12-31
Research focus: Aims of this project consist in conservation and preservation of dams of historical ponds which are an important part of our cultural-technical heritage. Historical ponds contribute significantly to the character of landscape in many parts of the Czech Republic. The aim will be achieved through the definition of the technology for reparations of dams of historical ponds. The technology will be verified using sectional physical models of dams. Further aim consists in verification of methodology for non-invasive diagnostics of dams of historical ponds. The methodology will include also recommendation for its practical application and for the evaluation and interpretation of measured data. Mapping of historical ponds in four different areas is another part of proposed project which should support other activities and provide map outputs for further conservation activities. Areas in focus represent different geomorphology, density of water bodies and historical changes. Filtration and geotechnical stability will be both in focus of the assessment within the project. The expected results will significantly contribute to the conservation of historical ponds as well as to the mitigation of floods caused by dam breaks. Methods and procedures which will be defined as the output of this project will emphasise the preservation of original character of dams consisting mainly in their shape.

Research team members at the departement:

Conservation, reparations and monitoring of historical pond dams as our cultural heritage

This page is dedicated to the research project  DG16P02M036 "Conservation, reparations and monitoring of historical pond dams as our cultural heritage" funded by Ministry of culture of the Czech Republic within the programme NAKI II. Two departments of the Faculty of Civil Engineering are involved in the project - Department of Irrigation, Drainage and Landscape Engineering and Centre of Experimental Geotechnics.

Aim of the project

Aims of this project consist in conservation and preservation of dams of historical ponds which are an important part of our cultural-technical heritage. Historical ponds contribute significantly to the character of landscape in many parts of the Czech Republic. The aim will be achieved through the definition of the technology for reparations of dams of historical ponds. The technology will be verified using sectional physical models of dams. Further aim consists in verification of methodology for non-invasive diagnostics of dams of historical ponds. The methodology will include also recommendation for its practical application and for the evaluation and interpretation of measured data. Mapping of historical ponds in four different areas is another part of proposed project which should support other activities and provide map outputs for further conservation activities. Areas in focus represent different geomorphology, density of water bodies and historical changes. Filtration and geotechnical stability will be both in focus of the assessment within the project. The expected results will significantly contribute to the conservation of historical ponds as well as to the mitigation of floods caused by dam breaks. Methods and procedures which will be defined as the output of this project will emphasise the preservation of original character of dams consisting mainly in their shape.

Research team

Ing. Václav David, Ph.D. (principal investigator)

doc. Ing. Karel Vrána, CSc.
doc. Ing. Josef Krása, Ph.D.
Ing. Tereza Davidová, Ph.D.
Ing. David Zumr, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Jaroslav Pacovský, CSc.
Ing. Jiří Šťástka
Ing. Jan Smutek
Ing. Lucie Hausmannová
Ing. Arch Milena Hauserová, CSc.