Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

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Multiphase flow, transport, and structural changes related to water freezing and thawing in the subsurface

Code: GACR 21-09093S
Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D. (FJFI, ČVUT v Praze)
Department's Principal Investigator: doc. Ing. Michal Sněhota, Ph.D.
FJFI, ČVUT v Praze (doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D.)
FSv, ČVUT v Praze (doc. Ing. Michal Sněhota, Ph.D.)
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-12-31
Research focus: The goal of the project is the development of experimental and computational methods for analysis and prediction of structural changes of soil related to water freezing and thawing in the subsurface and subsequent migration of released substances in the unsaturated zone.

Další řešitelé:

FSv, ČVUT v Praze
  • Ing. Martina Sobotková, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Tomáš Princ
FJFI, ČVUT v Praze
  • prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Beneš
  • prof. Ing. Stanislav Vratislav, CSc.
  • doc. Ing. Radek Fučík, Ph.D.
  • doc. Ing. Ladislav Kalvoda, CSc.
  • Ing. Monika Kučeráková, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Tomáš Smejkal, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Alexandr Žák, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Petr Gális
  • Ing. Jakub Klinkovský
  • Ing. Jakub Solovský