Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Department of Landscape Water Conservation

Státní závěrečné zkoušky
(28.01.2025 v 10:49)

Státní závěrečné zkoušky oboru V a Z na K143 se konají dne 6.2.2025 od 9 hodin. Více informací naleznete zde.

Department news
(12.03.2025 v 23:50)

Our researchers in media
(19.03.2024 v 23:40)

Interviews here.



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(25.03.2024 v 21:20)

Subsurface Contamination and Remediation Technologies

Code: 143SCRT
Year: 1
Obligation: Optional
Assessment: Exam
Semester: Winter
Responsible lecturer: doc. Ing. Michal Sněhota, Ph.D.
Description: This course focuses on interdisciplinary topics on soil contamination and remediation. Topics include: Introduction to soil physics and soil chemistry, impacts of contaminants on the environment, detection methods and soil cleanup.
