Groundwater Hydraulics and Modelling
Kód předmětu: | 143GWHM |
Ročník: | 1 |
Míra povinnosti: | Volitelný |
Kredity: | 6 |
Zakončení: | Zápočet |
Semestr: | Letní |
Garant: |
doc. Ing. Martin Šanda, Ph.D. |
Náplň předmětu: | Groundwater Hydraulics and Modelling |
Předmět učí:
1 - Introduction, global situation with groundwater
2 - Macroscopic approach, basic terms in groundwater
3 - Darcy´s law, homogenity, isotropy, transmissivity
4 - Storativity, intergranular tension, equation of continuity, initial and boundary conditions
5 - Dupuit assumption, flow in the soil block/dam
6 - Radial flow - Well
7 - System of wells
8 - Numerical modelling
9 - Groundwater flow modelling with isotopic information
1 - Darcy's law
2 - Flow in confined aquifer
3 - Flow in unconfined aquifer
4 - Introduction to Modflow / Groundwater Vistas 6
5 - Wells
Computer lab - Groundwater Vistas 7 - videoguide
1 - flow in aquifer with constant head boundary conditions
part I , part II
2 - infiltration into the block with a central insulation
3 - infiltration into the block with a non uniform recharge (infiltration)
4 - infiltration into the block with flow barriers
5 - natural catchment with a river
6 - aquifer with one extraction well
7 - aquifer with one extraction and one infiltration well
8 - aquifer with 10 infiltration wells in a line
Project and related information
9 - model calibration, part 1, part 2
10 - project general information, baseflow determination
11 - project assignment - part 1 part2-model calibration
12 - project report template
13 - groundwater vistas file for start with the project
Freeze, R.A. and Cherry R.A.: Groundwater, Prentice-Hall, 1979